Jane Eyre

The Slovak National Theatre

About performance

The novel Jane Eyre written by English writer Charlotte Brontë under her pen name in 1847, has been constantly fascinating the viewers in many of its film, TV and theatre adaptations. It is definitely not accidental that the strong story of a fatal love of two people, who could not have been accepted as a couple in their time, became a bestseller to countless number of generations. We are still thrilled how the amiable, naturally humble, but at the same time strong Jane overcomes those rigid limitations of the Victorian conventions. In the harmony of her outer and inner beauty she presents a positive counterpart not only against the repressive greyness of the regimented society, which has been trying to deform her, but also against those darksome secrets and the spontaneity of Rochester, the man she truly loves in spite of seemingly invincible obstacles. The topic of consciously and resolutely chosen sacrifice, as the only way leading to a purge and to meet the goal is surprisingly inspiring also today, or right just today.

Production team

Novel translation Beáta Mihalkovičová
Dramatisation Marián Amsler, Anna Saavedra
Directed by Marián Amsler
Dramaturgy Darina Abrahámová, Marie Špalová
Set design Juraj Kuchárek
Costumes Martin Kotúček
Music Ivan Acher
Movement collaboration Stanislava Vlčeková


Jane Eyre Petra Vajdová
Charlotte Brontë Zuzana Fialová
Constantin Héger, Edward Rochester Robert Roth
Publisher George Smith, St. John Rivers Ľuboš Kostelný
Mrs Miller, Mrs Reed, Lady Ingram Jana Oľhová
Miss Temple, Lady Dent Gabriela Dzuríková
Mrs Alice Fairfax Kamila Magálová
Claire Zoë Hégerová, Mrs Rochestre, Helen Burns Monika Potokárová
Revernd Brönte, Pán Brocklerhurst, Plukovník Dent Richard Stanke
Mr Mason, Lord Dent, Mesrour the horse Alexander Bárta
Branwell Brontë, John Reed, Lord Ingram, Pes pilot Milan Ondrík
Emily Brontëová, Amy Eshtonová, Diana Riversová Dominika Kavaschová
Anna Brontëová, Louisa Eshtonová, Mary Riversová Anna Nováková, ako hosť
Slúžka Abbotová, Blanche Ingramová, Grace Poolová, Rosamond Oliverová Alexandra Palatínusová, ako hosť
Jane Eyrová (dievčatko), Adéle Varensová Dominika Zeleníková, poslucháčka VŠMU
Spoluúčinkuje spevácky zbor Canens pod vedením Gabriela Rovňáka

Ticket prices Buy tickets

1. category 15 €
2. category 12 €
3. category 9 €
4. category 5 €
